With the retirement of three term U.S. Congressman Will Hurd, the battle in the Republican Primary has attracted nine contenders resulting in a mad scramble to finish in the top two spots in order to qualify for an almost certain runoff election in May. In such a large field of candidates anything can happen and one breakout moment or one misstep could be the difference in advancing to the second round or suffering defeat at the polls.
Surfacing midway through the early voting period is perhaps one of these missteps for one candidate, generally viewed as an upper tier contender in the nine person race. Raul Reyes, currently residing in Castroville but a native of Del Rio, is being haunted by his past employment as a vice president administrator with Southwest Texas Junior College and circumstances surrounding his resignation in late 2016 or early 2017. Recordings of Board of Regents meetings of the last two months of 2016 and first three months of 2017, reveal Regents were scrutinizing travel expenses of vice president level administration and what has been labeled excessive spending on a Halloween event in Uvalde. Prior to catching the attention of Regents, travel expenses for vice president level administrators were approved directly by themselves resulting in Regents instituting policy changes that vice president's travel expenses would have to be approved by the college president. Judging from a disruptive outburst at the March 2017 board meeting, indication is Reyes resigned his position with SWTJC before facing possible termination. At this meeting, Reyes and a female co-worker who was not rehired, each had signed up to address the Board in public over their employment but the Board president disallowed this saying personnel matters would be discussed in closed session. Interesting during his outburst, Reyes claimed his First Amendment rights were being violated by not being allowed to speak about, among other things, the "agreements" he and his fellow female co-worker had entered into with the College.
The Regent chairman offered to allow Reyes and the other affected employee the opportunity to address the Board later that meeting in executive session, but after repeated disruptions had security remove them from the meeting hall. The announcement was made by the Board president at the conclusion of the meeting and following the executive session that the female SWTJC employee would not be rehired and that Reyes had previously resigned his position.
Raúl Reyes dejó el puesto de vicepresidente de SWTJC bajo escrutinio de gastos de la Junta
Con el retiro del congresista estadounidense durante tres periodos Will Hurd, la batalla en la Primaria republicana ha atraído a nueve contendientes, lo que resultó en una lucha loca para terminar en los dos primeros lugares para calificar para una segunda vuelta electoral casi segura en mayo.
En un campo tan grande de candidatos, cualquier cosa puede suceder y un momento decisivo o un paso en falso podría ser la diferencia para avanzar a la segunda ronda o sufrir una derrota en las urnas.
Surgir a mitad del período de votación temprana es quizás uno de estos pasos en falso para un candidato, generalmente visto como un contendiente de nivel superior en la carrera de nueve personas.
Raúl Reyes, que actualmente reside en Castroville pero es nativo de Del Río, está siendo perseguido por su empleo anterior como vicepresidente administrador en Southwest Texas Junior College y las circunstancias que rodearon su renuncia a fines de 2016 o principios de 2017.
Las grabaciones de las reuniones de la Junta de Regentes de los últimos dos meses de 2016 y los primeros tres meses de 2017 revelan que los Regentes estaban escudriñando los gastos de viaje de la administración a nivel de vicepresidente y lo que se ha calificado de gasto excesivo en un evento de Halloween en Uvalde. Antes de llamar la atención de los regentes, los gastos de viaje para los administradores de nivel de vicepresidente fueron aprobados directamente por ellos mismos, lo que resultó en que los regentes instituyen cambios de política que los gastos de viaje del vicepresidente tendrían que ser aprobados por el presidente de la universidad.
A juzgar por un estallido disruptivo en la reunión de la junta de marzo de 2017, la indicación es que Reyes renunció a su cargo con SWTJC antes de enfrentar una posible terminación. En esta reunión, Reyes y una compañera de trabajo que no fue contratada de nuevo, cada una se inscribió para dirigirse a la Junta en público sobre su empleo, pero el presidente de la Junta rechazó esto diciendo que los asuntos de personal se debatirán en sesión cerrada. Interesante durante su arrebato, Reyes afirmó que se violaron sus derechos de la Primera Enmienda al no poder hablar sobre, entre otras cosas, los "acuerdos" que él y sus compañeras de trabajo habían firmado con el Colegio.
El presidente regente ofreció permitir a Reyes y al otro empleado afectado la oportunidad de dirigirse a la Junta más tarde esa reunión en sesión ejecutiva, pero después de interrupciones repetidas, la seguridad los sacó del salón de reuniones.
El presidente de la Junta hizo el anuncio al concluir la reunión y después de la sesión ejecutiva de que la empleada de SWTJC no sería recontratada y que Reyes había renunciado previamente a su cargo.
Raul Reyes Jr. is the exact opposite of Will Hurd, but not in a good way. This man worked at the Jr. College and I was the IT Director, he was successful in wasting the tax payers funds in a number of ways to include exclusive hotels for him and his (employee) who was his secretary that he decided to make is deputy CIO, with zero experience. He hired his buddy to spend thousands of dollars to do a job that could be done with our own employees, which we did after he (resigned) was forced to quit along with his (employee) secretary. He had zero experience in his time in the Air Force as a communications officer, didn't know…