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Mayor Ramsey Cantu disqualified as candidate for State Representative

Eagle Pass, TX - According to a letter obtained by the Eagle Pass News Leader, Mayor Ramsey English Cantu has been declared "ineligible pursuant to TEX. ELEC. CODE § 145.003" by the Texas Democratic Party Chair.

The document states, "Information has been provided to me that you sought to resign from your office and a special election has been called for February 2020. Under TEX. CONST. ART. 16, § 17, you continue to hold the office of Mayor until your replacement is qualified but in any event, TEX. CONST. ART. 3, § 19 provides that you are not “eligible to the Legislature” “during the term for which [you were] elected.” The exception if there is one in Wentworth, is not available to you. "

Texas Democratic Chair, Gilberto Hinojosa declared Cantu as ineligible to participate in the election stating that since his tenure as Mayor would overlap with the term of office for the Lagislative position he had applied to be elected to.

Being so, Heriberto Morales would be the sole candidate representing Eagle Pass and would face Del Rio city councilman Rowland Garza, in a two-candidate democratic race.

El alcalde Ramsey Cantu descalificado como candidato para Representante Estatal

Eagle Pass, TX - Según una carta obtenida por el Eagle Pass News Leader, el alcalde Ramsey English Cantu ha sido declarado "no elegible de conformidad con TEX. ELEC. CODE § 145.003" por el presidente del Partido Demócrata de Texas. El documento dice: "Se me ha proporcionado información de que buscaba renunciar a su cargo y se ha convocado una elección especial para febrero de 2020. Bajo TEX. CONST. ART. 16, § 17, continúa ocupando el cargo de alcalde hasta que su reemplazo sea calificado, pero en cualquier caso, TEX. CONST. ART. 3, § 19 estipula que usted no es "elegible para la Legislatura" "durante el período para el cual [fue] elegido". La excepción si hay una en Wentworth, no está disponible para usted ".

El presidente demócrata de Texas, Gilberto Hinojosa, declaró que Cantú no era elegible para participar en las elecciones y declaró que desde su mandato como alcalde se superpondría con el mandato de la posición legislativa a la que había solicitado ser elegido. Siendo así, Heriberto Morales sería el único candidato que representa a Eagle Pass y se enfrentaría a Rowland Garza, concejal de la ciudad de Del Río en una carrera de dos candidatos democratas.


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