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La Pryor ISD superintendent suspended following alleged assault on 6-year-old girl

LA PRYOR, TX – William Arevalo, superintendent of La Pryor ISD, was placed on paid administrative leave during a February 8 special board meeting, while authorities investigate allegations that he forcibly took a six-year-old girl into a locked classroom for about 45 minutes.

The incident occurred on January 31, when the child reportedly left her classroom after being denied ice cream. In the hallway, she was approached by a teacher before Arevalo allegedly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her approximately 30 feet into a classroom, locking the door behind them.

Following the incident, the girl’s mother, Helena Diaz, discovered scratches on her daughter’s back and abdomen, along with indentations on her arm. However, she was not immediately informed by the school and only learned of the situation when a social worker contacted her.

Diaz has since removed her daughter from the school. The child, who receives therapy for emotional difficulties, is set to undergo a forensic interview as part of the ongoing investigation. In the meantime, Arevalo is prohibited from having any contact with the girl.

Harry Piles Appointed as Interim Superintendent

As the investigation continues, the La Pryor ISD Board of Trustees has announced the appointment of Harry Piles as Interim Superintendent, effective February 14, 2025.

Piles brings over 33 years of experience in education, having served in various roles, including U.S. Air Force Instructor, teacher, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent. He holds a Superintendency Certification from Texas A&M-San Antonio and a Master’s Degree in Education from Wayland Baptist University, equipping him with a strong foundation in educational leadership.

The district has not released further details about the investigation, citing student privacy and personnel policies. Requests for surveillance footage of the incident remain unanswered.

Superintendente de La Pryor ISD Suspendido; Harry Piles Nombrado Superintendente Interino

LA PRYOR, TX – El superintendente de La Pryor ISD, William Arevalo, ha sido puesto en licencia administrativa con goce de sueldo mientras se investiga una denuncia de que forzó a una niña de seis años a entrar en un aula cerrada con llave durante aproximadamente unos 45 minutos el 31 de enero.

Un testigo informó haber escuchado a la niña “gritar pidiendo ayuda,” mientras que otros empleados dijeron sentirse “impotentes” para intervenir. La madre de la menor, Helena Díaz, descubrió luego que su hija tenía rasguños y marcas en el cuerpo, pero la escuela no le notificó del incidente. Se enteró a través de una llamada de una trabajadora social y desde entonces retiró a su hija del plantel.

Harry Piles Nombrado Superintendente Interino

Mientras continúa la investigación, Harry Piles ha sido designado superintendente interino, con efecto desde el 14 de febrero de 2025. Con 33 años de experiencia en educación, incluyendo cargos como director y superintendente, Piles aporta un fuerte liderazgo académico.

La Pryor ISD no ha dado más detalles, citando políticas de privacidad estudiantil y de personal. Las solicitudes de imágenes de vigilancia siguen sin respuesta.

1 Comment

David Soy
David Soy
Feb 24

The suspension of the La Pryor ISD superintendent over such a serious allegation is deeply concerning and highlights the importance of accountability in educational institutions. Ensuring a safe environment for children should always be a top priority. Just as trust and responsibility matter in education, students also seek reliability in academics—many opt to Pay someone to do my university assignment uk to ensure quality work under tight deadlines. Upholding integrity remains essential in every field.

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