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Experienced DEA, Probation Officer running for Pct. 3 Constable

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your time and please allow me to announce, which I feel is my duty to inform you of my intentions to seek the Office of Maverick County Constable Pct 3A-B. My name is Juan Antonio Silva Jr, known to many as “TONY”. I am the son of Juan Antonio Silva and Dora Alicia Silva, I am happily married and am the proud father of three children, two boys and a little girl. I was born and raised in Eagle Pass, Texas / Maverick County.

I am the proud product of a great environment, education system, and family. Growing up I had a great childhood which after graduating high school in 1999, I continued my education and obtained a Bachelor’s of Science Degree – Majoring in Criminal Justice and a Minor in Psychology – making the Dean’s List, and becoming a member of Lambda Alpha Epsilon (The American Criminal Justice Association), and inducted to the Alpha Phi Sigma (National Criminal Justice Honor Society). Thereafter I attend the Law Enforcement Academy and obtained My Texas Peace Officer License, my goal was to return to Eagle Pass, Texas / Maverick County and serve the community I grew up in with Loyalty, Integrity, and Respect. While Attending the Law Enforcement Academy I worked as a Jailer for the Maverick County Sheriff’s Office at the Tom Bowles Detention Center.

Once Commissioned as a Texas Peace Officer, I worked as a reserve officer for the Eagle Pass Police Department, Sheriff’s Deputy for the Maverick County Sheriff’s Office, Investigator for the 293rd District Attorney’s Office. My last duties as a Texas Peace Officer I was assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration where I was a Federal Task Force Officer. There is where I gained an abundance of experience which I will be able to utilize for the duty of serving as your Constable Pct 3A-B. While assigned to the Eagle Pass Multi Agency DEA Task Force I also served as their DEA HIDTA Task Force Commander which detailed in needing and having detailed knowledge of the job, programs, and budgets. Researched grant organizations, guidelines, budgets, and kept contact with the grant organizations to check progress and deadlines of progress reports for these organizations.

Which is key, because I do still keep contact with a lot of grant organizations in the state and federal levels which if elected I will attempt to obtain as many grants to obtained full time deputy constables, equipment, training, whatever is needed for our community at no cost to the citizens of Maverick County. I have worked complex cases, money laundering investigations, and international weapons smuggling, among many others. Work extensively with many other law enforcement agencies to include all other local, state, and federal agencies, again which provides me the open door to bring and work with in order to provide a safer environment for our community, our homes, our families.

I have prepared documents / reports, testified in federal, state, local courts which makes me no stranger to our judicial system. I also have experience on the other side of law enforcement in which I was also a Community Supervision (Probation) Officer in Maverick County. Where my job detailed to making sure individuals placed on supervised release were following conditions and orders set by our judges, being a part of community corrections, public safety and public service through the integration of Evidence Based Practices and a victim centered approach into our supervision strategies. While serving as a Supervision Officer collaboration with law enforcement, courts, Department of Public Health, victim organizations and community based organizations provided a unique blend of enforcement, justice and treatment. I am currently a Criminal Justice Instructor at one of our local high schools within the Eagle Pass Independent School District. I’ve been blessed to be in the classroom and provide insight and instructional based activities to students who seek future careers within the criminal justice field. Learning from great supervisors and gaining an abundance of experience, I believe I am a leader in our profession, exemplifying the highest standards.

The citizens of Maverick County are the most important part of the election process, so it is important for you to be informed of my intentions to serve. When elected, I will continue to serve you as your Constable, I will continue to listen to your concerns and act accordingly and appropriately while executing the duties that you have chosen me to do. I am and will continue to be committed to the County of Maverick and most importantly YOU THE CITIZENS. I continue to welcome advise, counsel, questions, concerns and encouragement!!!!!!


Juan Antonio "Tony" Silva Jr

[ Pd. Pol. Adv. by Candidate ]


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