Eagle Pass, TX - Parents of EPISD school bus riders will soon be able to track their children's ride from and to school.
GPS tracking systems will be implemented on school buses soon, according to EPISD superintendent Samuel Mijares.
The superintendent of school stated that the tracking will be made possible by scanning the students identification cards when boarding and leaving the bus.
EPISD is implementing this new effort in order to upgrade technology services and have a better control of letting parents know their children's location at all times.
At the same time, this measure will provide school administration the ability to track their drivers activity and job performance.
EPISD implementará dispositivos de rastreo GPS en autobuses escolares
Eagle Pass, TX - Los padres de los pasajeros del autobús escolar de EPISD pronto podrán seguir el viaje de sus hijos desde y hacia la escuela. Pronto se implementarán sistemas de rastreo GPS en los autobuses escolares, según el superintendente del EPISD Samuel Mijares. El superintendente de la escuela declaró que el seguimiento será posible al escanear las tarjetas de identificación de los estudiantes al subir y bajar del autobús. EPISD está implementando este nuevo esfuerzo para actualizar los servicios tecnológicos y tener un mejor control para que los padres conozcan la ubicación de sus hijos en todo momento.
Al mismo tiempo, esta medida proporcionara a la administración de la escuela con la abilidad de rastrear la actividad de sus conductores y el desempeño laboral.
EPISD's decision to implement GPS tracking devices on school buses showcases a commitment to student safety and efficient transportation management. At DTS, we understand the importance of leveraging technology to address challenges and enhance operations. Just as we tailor technology solutions to meet your unique needs in Minneapolis, we commend EPISD for prioritizing the safety and well-being of students through innovative solutions. With our dedicated support and exceptional technology solutions, we're here to assist EPISD in implementing and optimizing GPS tracking systems for their school buses. Let's work together to ensure safe and reliable transportation for students in the community.