Eagle Pass News Leader is proud to endorse Tony Gonzales for the Republican runoff for Congress in the 23rd district of Texas
Eagle Pass, TX - As the runoff election early voting approaches it is important to evaluate who offers more for your community.
One of the two candidates vying for the 23rd congressional district seat has continuously demonstrated his interest in helping Eagle Pass and other communities. 20-year U.S. Navy Vet., Tony Gonzales is a strong conservative who stands for the American dream. He is pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, and believes in free enterprise, secure borders, and limited government.
Mr. Tony Gonzales played a crucial role in serving Dimmit, Maverick, Val Verde and other surrounding communities by providing much needed disinfectant due to shortage in store shelves; at no cost to residents in an attempt to help fight the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

Recently, Gonzales also visited Eagle Pass, Del Rio and other communities to participate in the distribution of food delivered to thousands of residents.
"The economic devastation from the coronavirus is real, and thousands of Texans are feeling it," said Gonzales."I wanted to be here today to play a small role in helping families in need. We have to stick together and look out for our neighbors in these tough times."
Unlike his opponent Raul Reyes who has based his campaign on negative attacks against the respected Navy Veteran; Tony Gonzales has demonstrated his commitment to the communities and residents of district 23, repeatedly pointing out that since he decided to run for congress the very first place he decided to visit was Eagle Pass.
Early voting will be held at the Multi Purpose Center for two weeks from Monday, June 29 to Friday, July 10 from 8am to 5pm and election day will be on Tuesday, July 14 from 7am-7pm at the Vida de Fe Church located at 2612 Encino Park Dr. (Old Girl Scouts Building).
Please note that Maverick County Republican Chair Alfredo Arellano has stated that if you voted in the Republican Primary back in March, you are eligible to vote in the Republican Primary Runoff. If you voted in the Democrat primary back in March, you CANNOT vote in the Republican primary runoff.
Due to COVID-19. curbside voting will be expanded, you are NOT required to wear one if you don't want to, and you can't be denied your right to vote if you don't have a mask.
Maverick County voters are encouraged to turn out in record numbers to place Tony Gonzales in Washington, and honorably represent our best interests. Our votes very likely are going to decide who our next U.S. representative is going to be and it should be a proven, effective and respected leader committed to Eagle Pass and Maverick County just like Tony Gonzales.
The top vote-getter of the Republican runoff for congress will face Democratic nominee Gina Ortiz Jones who fell nearly 1,000 votes short of unseating incumbent U.S. Representative Will Hurd.