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Eagle Pass newest attorney Ruben Ramos sworn in by former Judge Cynthia Muniz

Attorney Ruben Ramos accompanied by his significant other and Hon. Judge Cynthia Muniz.

Eagle Pass, TX - Former District Judge Cynthia Muniz swore in young local attorney Ruben Ramos as the newest lawyer in town. Ramos passed the bar in early-October and is now officially the youngest member of the Maverick County Bar Association.

The event took place at Judge Muniz's former 293rd district district court room where Hon. Judge Maribel Flores now presides.

Ramos accompanied by parents Former County Attorney Ricardo Ramos and Pct 3 County Commissioner Olga Ramos.

Family, friends and many respected local attorneys attended the event including but not limited to Jose "Joe" Ruiz, Adrian Ruiz, Claudio Heredia, Mayor Rolando Salinas, District Attorney Roberto Serna, Hon. Judge Maribel Flores, Ricardo Ramos, Ricky Ramos, County Attorney Jaime "AJ" Iracheta.

The ceremony was a symbolic one since Ruben's dad Ricardo Ramos and brother Ricky Ramos were also sworn-in by the Hon. Judge Cynthia Muniz.

EPNL would like to congratulate and wish the best of luck to the newest attorney in town Ruben Ramos.

El abogado más joven y nuevo de Eagle Pass, Rubén Ramos, juramentado por la ex jueza Cynthia Muniz

Eagle Pass, TX - La ex juez de distrito Cynthia Muniz juramentó al joven abogado local Ruben Ramos como el abogado más nuevo de la ciudad. Ramos pasó la barra a principios de octubre y ahora es oficialmente el miembro más joven de la Asociación de Abogados del condado de Maverick.

El evento tuvo lugar en la antigua sala del tribunal de distrito 293 de la juez Muniz, donde ahora preside la juez Maribel Flores.

Asistieron familiares, amigos y muchos abogados distinguidos locales, incluidos, entre otros, José "Joe" Ruiz, Adrián Ruiz, Claudio Heredia, el alcalde Rolando Salinas, Fiscal de Distrito Roberto Serna, Hon. Juez Maribel Flores, Ricardo Ramos, Ricky Ramos, Abogado del Condado Jaime "AJ" Iracheta.

La ceremonia fue simbólica ya que el padre de Rubén, Ricardo Ramos, y su hermano Ricky Ramos, también fueron juramentados por la honorable juez Cynthia Muniz.

EPNL desea felicitar y desear la mejor de las suertes a nuestro abogado más nuevo en la ciudad Ruben Ramos.


Sergiy Sergiy
Sergiy Sergiy
Jul 29, 2024

Congratulations to Ruben Ramos on his swearing-in as the newest attorney in Eagle Pass! It's always inspiring to see fresh legal talent stepping into the field. As a sexual assault lawyer, I appreciate the dedication it takes to enter the legal profession, especially when advocating for sensitive and crucial issues like sexual harassment. Every new attorney has the potential to make a significant impact, just as we strive to support and provide justice for survivors. I look forward to seeing the contributions Ruben Ramos will make to the legal community and to those in need of strong legal representation.


lekor adams
lekor adams
Jun 19, 2024

This milestone is a testament to his dedication and hard work. As someone knowledgeable in the legal field, I advise to focus on building a solid reputation through integrity and client advocacy. It’s essential to stay informed about established firms like Halvorsen Klote, which exemplify excellence in legal practice. Learning from such firms can provide valuable insights into managing cases effectively and ethically.

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